Month: March 2015

Finding Dry Eye Relief with LipiFlow

Thousands of people each year struggle with Dry Eye. Dry eyes are caused by a decrease in tear production or trouble blinking. Many have used over-the-counter drops or artificial tears to help them with some relief, however long-term treatment options for dry eyes was few and far between until LipiFlow.

What is Lipiflow?

LipiFlow is a treatment that opens and cleans out the Mebomian glands allowing them to produce clean lipids. LipiFlow uses a thermal pulsation system and applies controlled heat to the eyelids, warming the glands and liquefying the clogged oil.

Why use LipiFlow?

LipiFlow is a non-invasive procedure to help treat an underlying cause of Dry Eye. It uses new technology to clean and reopen your lipid glands. Other treatments such as over-the-counter drops and artificial tears only provide temporary relief but the LipiFlow treatment can provide a more lasting effect.

Symptoms of Dry Eye:

 Foreign body sensation
 Itching
 Burning
 Frequently watery eyes
 Frequent eye rubbing
 Red eyes
 Eye pain

About Dry Eye:

Dry Eye is a common condition that can cause pain and irritation of the eyes. It can also interrupt a patient’s life considerably.
Learn more about dry eyes with the LipiFlow treatment clink on the video below.

Keratoconus Symptoms & How They Affect Your Daily Life

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that changes the shape of your cornea. This change causes many difficulties in the patient’s everyday life. The patient’s quality of vision deteriorates as the condition gets worse over the years. Many patients suffer from poor night vision, blurred, or double vision, and may have other symptoms which can cause them to become unable to drive at night, play sports, or causing problems completing tasks at school and/or work.

Keratoconus treatments improve the problem from its source by reshaping the cornea and strengthening it. These treatments can improve your overall quality of vision and reduce the likelihood the condition will progress further.

Some Symptoms are:

• Blurred vision
• Double vision
• Poor night vision
• Frequent eye rubbing
• Frequent prescription changes
• Glares over lights/halos

Many patients with Keratoconus have difficulty dealing with the symptoms. Treatments like the Holcomb C3-R®, INTACS, and CK can improve the condition greatly and give you a better quality of vision. In some cases the Holcomb C3-R® and INTACS can be done in combination and can slow, stop, and even sometimes reverse the visual presentation of Keratoconus by flattening the cones.

Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System: A non-invasive treatment that uses a solution which is created with a vitamin called Riboflavin. This procedure requires the use of UV lights at activate the solution over once it is applied. It takes about 30 minutes and strengthens the corneal fibers

INTACS: INTACS are tiny inserts that are placed in the cornea to help reshape it to a more normal shape and reduce distortion.

If you are looking for treatment options for Keratoconus you can read more about Holcomb C3-R® and INTACS to see for yourself how they can help with your symptoms and treat your disease.

Watch the video below to see ‘First Hand’ how these treatments can change your life:

Two Common Eye Problems & Their Treatments

There are several eye conditions that are treated regularly every year. Most patients experience at least one of these common conditions in their lifetime. We often forget to take care of our eyes as we become adults. The old saying “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” often plays its part when it comes to the eyes.
Those who play sports may have a greater likelihood of getting common eye injuries like detached retina or snow blindness if they are actively outdoors. Viral and bacterial infections like pink eye are also common. Below are a few more common eye conditions and their treatment options.
1) Dry Eyes: Dry Eye is a very common condition that can be a problem for many patients. Whether it’s mild or severe it can stop or reduce your daily activities.
Treatments: Some known treatments for Dry Eye are over the counter drops. Artificial tears or even a new non-invasive procedure called LipiFlow.
Watch Susan’s story about her experience with LipiFlow after seeing a number of doctors who never provide hope for her dry eyes

2) Cataracts: Cataracts quite often affect those who are increased in age. Cataracts are a cloud that forms over the eyes lens. It progresses over time and decreases vision of the patient who has it.
Treatment: Treatment for advanced Cataracts is most often surgery where the natural lens is removed and replaced with a clear, artificial lens. Cataracts often develop more rapidly and deteriorate the vision more quickly in those who suffer with other medical conditions like Type 2 diabetes.
Watch Allen’s story about his experience with Cataract surgery and how he know sees like a teenager: