Month: November 2014

Experiencing Dry Eye Relief with LipiFlow®

Benefits Vs. Risk Factors

For those who suffer from Dry Eye, the notion that there is a treatment that works for them is something they seldom consider.

Often patients with Keratoconus find improved comfort in contact lenses if they had their dry eyes properly assessed and treated.

Most have grown tired of using warm compresses and artificial tears, with no hope in sight. Lipiflow® is bringing new hope to sufferers of Dry Eye everywhere. LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System is a new treatment for MGD Dry Eye that is non-invasive and addresses the root of the problem, the glands, by cleaning out the clogged lipids and getting the glands to produce clean lipids on their own.

Below are a few benefits & risk factors for the new Lipiflow® system:

Risk Factors:

There are very few risk factors from the LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System at this time. It is true that some people may not be a good candidate for the LipiFlow® System, and as with all procedures there are a few risk factors.

Red eye
Burning sensation
Sensitivity to light

These risks are very minimal and are typically experienced only for a short time after the procedure.

Benefits of LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System:

Helps Red Eye (related to Dry Eye)
Helps your body create clean and plentiful lipids
Short treatment length
Little to no discomfort
Faster Recovery time

The Lipiflow® Thermal Pulsation System’s benefits far out way its risks. Many Keratoconus patients are experiencing freedom from Dry Eye after years of suffering. Keratoconus and dry eye are treatable, talking to your eye care professional to determine candidacy is best.

Dr. Brian discusses the LipiFlow® treatment and how it is performed:

Optimal Eye Health with Flaxseed Oil

Did you know that your eyes need vitamins just as much as the rest of your body? Yes, it is important for your eye health to get the right vitamin balance for your eyes as well as your whole body. Optimal Flax can help you achieve this and helps with Dry Eye. Below are a few additional benefits to flaxseed oil.

Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is used in many various health applications. It has been shown to:

Reduce inflammation from several types of Arthritis
Treat Dry Eye
Help regulate high blood pressure
Treat for heart disease
Help control Diabetes
Assist digestive health as a laxative for constipation

Even more important that the above benefits, research has revealed that free radicals can damage corneas and increase the progressive nature of Keratoconus. Anti-oxidants vitamins should be an essential part of your Keratoconus treatment. In addition, Keratoconus contacts lenses can be more comfortable when dry eye is treated. Flaxseed oil vitamin capsules have been effective for alleviated dry eyes in Keratoconus patients.

Several vitamin supplements that can support good vision care, as well as overall health, for yourself and your family. Vitamins can provide longevity and improved health.

As with any medications or supplements, there are a few interactions to watch out for including medications that help slow clotting of the blood. It is important to check with your physician or eye care professional before starting any new treatments to ensure there are no interactions.

Optimal Flax is a supplement that naturally increases the lubrication of the body, including the eyes and skin. This is an effective product for helping reduce Dry Eyes.

Flaxseed oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids which help with several health problems and offer many daily health benefits. If you are looking for a daily vitamin that will assist you with Dry Eye symptoms, Optimal Flax may be the ideal vitamin product.

For those of you who want more information on the Optimal Health products such as Optimal Flaxseed and Optimal Eye (antioxidants) visit