Discovering a Family History of Keratoconus

If you have a family history of Keratoconus you may already be familiar with some of the treatments of the condition. However over the past 10 years there has been great advancements in the treatments used for Keratoconus. So the treatment plans that may have been used in the past for your family members like corneal transplants are rarely needed to treat the condition. In fact 95% or more of patients diagnosed with Keratoconus never need a corneal transplant.

There are several new treatments that have been developed for use in patients with Keratoconus. These treatments often lead to a greater improvement in the quality of vision for the patients for now and in the future. The progression of the condition often slows, or stops with some treatments. Designing a treatment plan is a great first step in your treatments. Below are some of the signs of Keratoconus. If you have any of these signs, and a family history consult your eye care professional.

Below you will find the symptoms of Keratoconus. If you have or had any of the following symptoms it is wise to report them to your eye doctor right away:

Problems with night vision


Eye strain

Sudden clouding of vision

Frequent prescription changes

Blurred or distorted vision

Increased sensitivity to light

Halos around lights at night

Double vision

Remember that your eyes are your key to the world. And while we can make it without our vision it is important to take care of the eyes you have. Be sure to go to the eye doctor once a year, every 6 months if you have underlining conditions like diabetes type 2, cataracts, Keratoconus, etc. Your vision is important to the quality of your life. So improve your quality of vision by finding the right doctor and keeping up with your yearly checkups.

For more information on Keratoconus visit Wikipedia.